Find deals for CleanQuip Systems Inc. on the new Locapon App! Introducing a new technology for Sports Equipment that will get the smell out as well as kill bacteria.
CleanQuip Comes to You!
At a very reasonable cost you can clean and sanitize all sports equipment right at the team location. Before and after games, at tournaments or you can have your teams bring it to you. It will take between up to 45 minutes depending on the amount of sets of equipment. When athletes get injured or cut, infections can occur when soiled uniforms become laden with bacteria. CleanQuip’s process to kill bacteria and help prevent infections and sickness is a welcome service.
State of the Art Technology
CleanQuip’s state of the art technology allows them to clean your sporting equipment without the need to wash, or use any cleaning products or chemicals. It works by killing the odor causing bacteria, therefore leaving you with fresh clean equipment ready to use for your next competition. Keep in mind that it will also prolong the life of your sporting equipment and will keep you healthy. Say goodbye to the stinky smell and let us help you protect your health and your investment. Our service is straight forward, hassle free, affordable and takes only 45 minutes to complete.
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